
API reference


AttachedOverlay is a low level component for building tooltip, popover like attached floating elements.


interface IUnAttachedOverlayProps extends Omit<IOverlay, 'placement'> {
children: (isOpen: boolean) => JSX.Element;


export interface IOverlay {
// aria attribute
role?: 'tooltip' | 'dialog' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'grid' | 'tree';
// for nested overlays
nodeId?: string;
// for nested overlays
parentId?: string;
// actual DOM id attribute
portalId?: string;
// for overlay placement (use custom for modal, drawer etc.)
placement?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'right' |'left'
| 'bottom-end' | 'bottom-start'
| 'left-end' | 'left-start'
| 'right-end' | 'right-start'
| 'top-end' | 'top-start';
// triggers wont't work if you don't pass this true.
interactive?: boolean;
// determines if animations are enabled or not
animations?: {
open: Variant; // framer-motion type
close: Variant; // framer-motion type
// determines if animations are enabled or not (AnimatePresence)
useMotion?: boolean;
// portals your floating element outside the main app node
usePortal?: boolean;
// provides base styling for a fixed overlay element to dim content
useBackdrop?: boolean;
// provides flexible focus management for a floating element
useFocusManager?: boolean;
// determines if focus should be returned to previous element
// useFocusManager should be true for this to work
returnFocus?: boolean;
// displaces the floating element from its core placement along the specified axes
offset?: number;
// moves the floating element along the specified px in order to keep it in view
shift?: number;
// trigger delay
delay?: {
open: number;
close: number;
// trigger element events
use?: {
click?: boolean; // adds click event listeners
dismiss?: boolean; // adds listeners that dismiss (close the floating element.
focus?: boolean; // adds focus event listeners
hover?: boolean; // adds hover event listeners
// your floating element (overlay)
overlay: (close: () => void) => JSX.Element;
// classes for floating element
className?: string;
// classes for floating element wrapper
wrapperClassName?: string;
// classes for floating element backdrop
backdropClassName?: string;
<AttachedOverlay />