

Creating a notification;

new Noty({
    text: 'Some notification text',

Available options listed below.

| Option | Default | Info | | --- | --- | --- | | type: string | 'alert' | alert, success, error, warning, info - ClassName generator uses this value → noty_type__${type} | | layout: string | 'topRight' | top, topLeft, topCenter, topRight, center, centerLeft, centerRight, bottom, bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight - ClassName generator uses this value → noty_layout__${layout} | | theme: string | 'mint' | relax, mint, metroui - ClassName generator uses this value → noty_theme__${theme} | | text: string | '' | This string can contain HTML too. But be careful and don't pass user inputs to this parameter. | | timeout: boolean,int | false | false, 1000, 3000, 3500, etc. Delay for closing event in milliseconds (ms). Set 'false' for sticky notifications. | | progressBar: boolean | true | true, false - Displays a progress bar if timeout is not false. | | closeWith: [...string] | ['click'] | click, button | | string,null,function | 'noty_effects_open' | If string, assumed to be CSS class name. If null, no animation at all. If function, runs the function. (v3.0.1+) You can use animate.css class names or your custom css animations as well. | | animation.close: string,null,function | 'noty_effects_close' | If string, assumed to be CSS class name. If null, no animation at all. If function, runs the function. (v3.0.1+) You can use animate.css class names or your custom css animations as well. | | sounds.sources: [...string] | [] | v3.1.0-beta Array of audio sources e.g 'some.wav' Check browser support | | sounds.volume: int | 1 | v3.1.0-beta Integer value between 0-1 e.g 0.5 Check browser support | | sounds.conditions: [...string] | [] | v3.1.0-beta There are two conditions for now: 'docVisible' & 'docHidden'. You can use one of them or both. Check browser support | | docTitle.conditions: [...string] | [] | v3.1.0-beta There are two conditions for now: 'docVisible' & 'docHidden'. You can use one of them or both. | | modal: boolean | false | v3.1.0-beta Behaves like v2 but more stable | | id: string,boolean | false | You can use this id with querySelectors. Generated automatically if false. | | force: boolean | false | DOM insert method depends on this parameter. If false uses append, if true uses prepend. | | queue: string | 'global' | NEW Named queue system. Details are here. | | killer: boolean,string | false | If true closes all visible notifications and shows itself. If string(queueName) closes all visible notification on this queue and shows itself. | | container: boolean,string | false | Custom container selector string. Like '.my-custom-container'. Layout parameter will be ignored. | | buttons: [...Noty.button] | [] | An array of Noty.button, for creating confirmation dialogs. Details are here. | | callbacks.beforeShow: function | Default: () => | Details are here. | | callbacks.onShow: function | Default: () => | Details are here. | | callbacks.afterShow: function | Default: () => | Details are here. | | callbacks.onClose: function | Default: () => | Details are here. | | callbacks.afterClose: function | Default: () => | Details are here. | | callbacks.onHover: function | Default: () => | Details are here. | | callbacks.onClick: function | Default: () => | Only works if closeWith = ['click']. Details are here. | | callbacks.onTemplate: function | Default: () => | Mainly for DOM manipulations. Details are here. | | visibilityControl: boolean | false | If true Noty uses PageVisibility API to handle timeout. To ensure that users do not miss their notifications. |

See a detailed example on Jsfiddle.

Overriding Options

Of course, you can override default values;

    layout   : 'topRight',
    theme    : 'mint',
    closeWith: ['click', 'button'],
    animation: {
        open : 'animated fadeInRight',
        close: 'animated fadeOutRight'